Interactive workbook

Power CYP promotes healthy lifestyles and respect, science, technology, engineering and mathematics

Living a Healthy Lifestyle

Today we are going to explore what we can do to live a healthy lifestyle.

At the Port Adelaide Football Club it is important for our players to eat a well-balanced diet, drink plenty of water and get lots of sleep to make sure they can perform to the best of their ability.

Brain Power

An important part of living a healthy lifestyle is making sure we fuel our brain with the foods that will give us “Full Power”. What foods below will give us different types of POWER?
Dairy (milk, cheese, yogurt) Chips and salty snacks Crackers Dried fruit Fast food (like burgers and fried chicken) Fresh fruits (apples, bananas, berries, oranges) Lean proteins (chicken, fish, eggs, tofu) Muesli bars Pasta and white bread Sugary drinks (soft drinks, energy drinks) Lollies and chocolates Vegetables (carrots, broccoli, spinach, capsicum) Whole grains (brown rice, wholemeal bread, oats) Flavoured yogurt

These foods don’t give your brain or body much energy. They might taste good, but too much can make you feel slow and tired.

These foods give you energy, but not as much as the High Power foods. They’re good sometimes, but not always.

These are the best foods for strong energy, focus, and growth. They give you FULL POWER!

The Five Food Groups

An important part of living a healthy lifestyle is making sure we eat a variety of foods from the five food groups.Can you name the five food groups?



Grains are foods made of wheat, oats, rice, rye, barley, quinoa and corn. When choosing your grains, it is important to include wholegrain foods. Wholegrains have more fibre, vitamins and minerals. The best way to choose wholegrains is to look for words like 'wholegrain' or 'wholemeal'.


Vegetables are the leaves, stems, roots or other parts of certain plants that you can eat. Vegetables that can grow both above and below the ground are a great source of vitamins and minerals. You should aim to eat 5 serves of vegetables every day.


Protein-rich foods such as red meat, chicken, fish, mushrooms, chick peas, tofu and eggs help us grow, and maintain and repair our muscles. High-protein foods also provide us with nutrients such as iron, zinc and vitamins. You should aim to eat at least 2 serves of protein every day.


Fruit is a great source of vitamins and minerals such as potassium and magnesium. Different coloured fruits can provide different sources of vitamins. Red and yellow fruits provide vitamin A and oranges are an excellent source of vitamin C. You should aim to eat 2 serves of fruit every day.


Dairy is an excellent source of calcium, which is important for strong bones and teeth. You should aim to have 2-3 serves of dairy every day. Milk, cheese and yoghurt are great sources of dairy that also supply you with vitamin B12 and zinc.

The Fruit Challenge

How many different types of fruit can you name in 30 seconds?

Stop Watch
Can you beat our players?

Healthy Eating

Healthy eating means eating from the 5 food groups every day.

Have a look to see what our players eat on a main training day. Do our players eat something from each of the five food groups?


Oats with banana

After training snack

Muesli bar and fruit


Chicken salad rolls or wraps

Afternoon snack

Fruit and protein bar


Steak with pumpkin, potato and green beans


Yoghurt or ice cream (sometimes)

Getting to Know Our Food

Did you know that food labels have important information that helps us make healthier food choices?

Let's have a closer look at a food label to see what information we should be looking for.

Nutrition Information
Servings Per Pack: 1 Serving Size: 170g
Per Serve Per 100g
Energy 408kJ (97Cal) 240kJ (57Cal)
Protein 16.5g 9.7g
Fat 0.3g 0.2g
Saturated Fat 0.2g 0.1g
Carbohydrate 7.1g 4.2g
Sugars 5.6g 3.3g
Sodium 54mg 32mg

Servings per pack and serving size

When reading a label it's important to check the serving size. This information will tell you how big one serve is.

It's important to check because sometimes one package might have more than 1 serve.

Per 100g

When comparing products use the per 100g column.


Generally foods with less than 10g per 100g are best.

Saturated Fat

Aim to find foods that have less than 3g per 100g.


Aim to choose foods that have less than 15g of sugar per 100g.

Sodium (Salt)

Try to choose foods with low sodium. As a guide foods with less than 400mg per 100g are good.

Be Active

Another important part of living a healthy lifestyle is being physically active.

How many minutes of physical activity should you aim to do every day?

Stop Watch

Sometimes it can be difficult to reach your physical activity target every day. Here's some ways we can get a little bit more physical activity into our day.

Join a sports club

Play a game at recess and lunch

Walk or ride to school

Be Active

Being active is a great way to have fun with your friends.

Can you name some other benefits of being active?

Makes you feel good

Make new friends

Helps build strong bones, muscles and joints

Energises you

You can learn new skills


We know it is important to eat well and be active, but another important part of living a healthy lifestyle is drinking plenty of water.

Your body needs fluid to be able to function at its best, without enough fluid you become dehydrated which can make you tired or dizzy and give you headaches.

Did you know that our bodies are mostly made up of water? What percentage of our body is water?
Click below to find out how many litres of water you should aim to drink on an average day.
1 Litre 2 Litres 3 Litres

Maybe try to drink a bit more. 1 litre is a little bit more than an average sized drink bottle.

2 litres is great. Aim to fill your drink bottle at least 2 times a day.

3 litres is plenty of water. Remember, if you are doing lots of exercise or it's a hot day, you should aim to drink a little bit more water than normal.

Sleep and Screen Time

It is important for people of all ages to be getting enough sleep. Sleeping helps our muscles recover and our batteries recharge


If you are between 5 and 13 years old you should aim to get at least 9 hours sleep each night.

Did you know...

You grow when you are asleep.

It is important that we take note of how much screen time we are having each day. Screen time is the time we spend on electronic devices.

Did you know...

That looking at screens before bed can stop you from getting a good night sleep.

Electronic devices include:

Gaming consoles

Prepare Zak For a Game

Click on a meal and a drink for Zak to have the night before his game.

Remember we want to give him plenty of energy.



Great Choice!
This is high in carbohydrates and low in fat which will give Zak lots of energy.

Chicken Salad

Ok choice.
As a guide we want to choose foods that are rich in carbohydrates as this is where your energy comes from.


Make a better choice.
Foods that are high in fat take longer to digest. As a guide try to choose foods that are easy to digest.

Risotto with chicken

Great Choice!
This is high in carbohydrates and low in fat which will give Zak lots of energy.

Chicken schnitzel with salad

Make a better choice.
Foods that are high in fat take longer to digest. As a guide try to choose foods that are easy to digest.


Great Choice!
This is high in carbohydrates and low in fat which will give Zak lots of energy.

Fish and Chips

Make a better choice.
Foods that are high in fat take longer to digest. As a guide try to choose foods that are easy to digest.

Pumpkin soup with wholemeal bread

Ok choice.
As a guide we want to choose foods that are rich in carbohydrates as this is where your energy comes from.


Chocolate Milkshake

Make a better choice.
Milkshakes are high in fat, and fat takes longer to digest. As a guide try to choose a drink that is easy to digest.


Great Choice!
It's a great idea to drink plenty of water the night before a game.

Soft Drink

Make a better choice.
Soft drink is very high in sugar which can make it hard to sleep.

Sports Drink

Make a better choice.
Sports drinks are high in sugar and although you may see AFL players drinking them during a game, it's not a good idea to drink them too often.

A day in the life...

Ever wondered what it is like to be an AFL player?

Tips and Tricks to Help Us Make Good Choices

Did you know that the ingredients list on a product can also help us make healthier choices?

Ingredients: wheat (38%), glucose, fructose, soya bean oil, sugar, glucose solids, invert sugar, humectant (glycerol), gelatin, natural flavour, salt, skim milk powder.

About the ingredients list

The ingredients on the list are in order from the most used ingredient to the least used. When looking at the list be sure to check if the first three items are high in saturated fat, sodium (salt) or sugar.

Other names for sugar

Some ingredient lists may list sugar in different ways.

Look out for the following names for sugar: dextrose, fructose, glucose, golden syrup, honey, maple syrup, sucrose, malt, barley malt extract, maltose, lactose, brown sugar, caster sugar, raw sugar.

Ingredient List Challenge

Can you answer the questions using the ingredient list?

Ingredients: wheat (38%), glucose, fructose, soya bean oil, sugar, glucose solids, invert sugar, humectant (glycerol), gelatin, natural flavour, salt, skim milk powder.

What is the most used ingredient?


Is this product high in sugar or low in sugar?

High in sugar


Players at the Port Adelaide Football Club are much like you and your classmates; we are all unique and bring our own individual qualities.

It is important to respect everyone in a team.

Respect means that you treat others the way you would like to be treated.

What does respect mean to you?

Facts About Vaping

E-cigarettes or ‘vapes’ are electronic devices designed to deliver vapourised liquids into your lungs when you breathe in.

Do you know what you’re vaping?


Many e-cigarettes contain nicotine making them very addictive

The nicotine in one e-cigarette
= 50 cigarettes

If you vape you are 3 times as likely to take up smoking cigarettes

E-cigarette aerosol is not water vapour

Vaping has been linked to serious lung disease

E-cigarettes can contain the same harmful chemicals found in cleaning products, nail polish remover, weed killer and bug spray.

Connor Rozee's
Maths Challenge

Check out the video to see if you can answer Connor's Maths Challenge...


Connor Rozee's
Maths Challenge

Number of goals & behinds kicked by Ollie Wines each year

276 951 438

Can you complete the Magic Square?

Using numbers 1-9 complete the Magic Square. Each row, column and diagonal must add up to the same number. You cannot use the same number twice.

Clue: each row, column and diagonal adds up to the number that Willie Rioli wears.

Answer the following questions using the information on the bar graph.

  1. How many goals did Ollie kick in 2016? 11
  2. What is the total points he kicked in 2017? 15 x 6 = 90 + 16 = 106
  3. Over the last 4 years what is the average amount of goals he kicked? 4+11+15+4 = 34     34÷4 = 8.5

Time to Test Your Knowledge

True or False

Potato chips are a healthy way to eat potato.


Physical activity is important for strong muscles and healthy bones.


It is recommended that you have 9 to 10 hours of sleep every night.


Drinking orange or apple juice is a good way to get an extra serve of fruit.


On an ingredient list on foods, the ingredients are listed in order from the greatest amount used to the least amount used.


How Well Do You Know The Port Adelaide Football Club?

How many premierships have Port Adelaide Football Club won in both the South Australian National Football League (SANFL) and the Australian Football League (AFL)?1, 7, 18, 37 or 41?


The captain of our football club wears what number?1, 10, 16, 22 or 30?


In the club song, what word comes next: "We've got the Power to win, Power to ..."


When was Port Adelaide Football Club founded?1870, 1940, 1997 or 2004 Hint: it's on the back of our Guernsey


Who am I?


Ollie Wines

  • I was drafted to the club in 2012 from Echuca, Victoria.
  • I have played over 150 games for the Port Adelaide Football Club.
  • In 2021 I was the first Port Adelaide player in history to win the Brownlow medal.

Player Profiles

Connor Rozee

Port Adelaide


Name: Connor Rozee

Nickname: Roze

Guernsey number: 1

DOB: 22/01/2000

Fun Fact: Played in an SANFL Premiership for North Adelaide

Zak Butters

Port Adelaide


Name: Zak Butters

Nickname: Buttsy

Guernsey number: 9

DOB: 08/09/2000

Fun Fact: Won Best & Fairest Award in 2023

Matilda Scholz

Port Adelaide


Name: Matilda Scholz

Nickname: Tilds

Guernsey number: 29

DOB: 29/04/2005

Fun Fact: Won Mark of the Year in 2024

Gemma Houghton

Port Adelaide


Name: Gemma Houghton

Nickname: Aunty

Guernsey number: 27

DOB: 31/12/1993

Fun Fact: Kicked PAFC AFLW 1st ever goal

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